What is a Living Lab?



The REFOOTURE project supports the establishment of regional Living Labs to explore the meaning, potential and implications of regenerative and inclusive food systems in four East-African regions: Nakuru county (Kenya), Tepi and South Achefer (Ethiopia) and Arua district (Uganda).

A Living Lab is the centre for evidence provision and sensemaking. Living Labs convene doers, enablers and thinkers. Through capturing of, dialogues about and learning from evidence, the Living Lab community grows in their capabilities, opportunities, and motivation and in this way spur innovation and transformation. 

We expect that the evidence collected through the Living Labs will support small and larger scale innovations that aim to contribute to regenerative and inclusive food systems in the 4 regions. And we expect that Living Labs will eventually contribute to the innovative capacity of the Food System.


Key questions


Setting up Living Labs for the REFOOTURE projects is a continuous process which started with learning from already existing initiatives and from there, foster new ones. The design and implementation of the Living Labs is a bottom-up demand-driven process and successful implementation, impact assessment of and transformation support through the Living Labs are themes that are explored throughout the duration of the project. Below, you can find the key questions that we are exploring regarding the Living Lab theme and through this platform, we invite you to share your knowledge and experience on these key questions.


Key question 1

How to set-up a well functioning Living Lab?

Key question 2

How can a Living Lab strengthen regional innovation capacity?

Key question 3

How can innovations in the enabling environmental support scaling?
